Ocean Floor Hotel

2,802 updates
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there’s always going to be a large group of elitists in any hobby, game, or interest in life. you really can never please these kinds of people no matter what you do. so there’s value in updating whenever you feel like it, doing html however you want. people have a bad attitude lately about neocities. and i wish people would be less concerned about how others choose to engage with neocities.
reclaimedbytheocean 6 months ago

this gatekeeping type behavior only kills people’s passion about learning html. unless someone is outright stealing code i seriously do not feel a need or the right to criticize people about how their site looks, templates, stackoverflow code, like honestly just relax and focus on your site. all you’re doing is putting others down. it’s unkind and lacks compassion

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oops i missed the sites 1 year anniversary lolol
virtually-isolated 6 months ago

happpy late birthday to the site!

sometimes i open my neocities site and just stare at the main page like an old farmer drinking his beer looking out at his land like. yep. *sips tiki punch shasta* she’s purdy and she’s mine
gonna have to start over on my blinkies and stamps :( but i got my mututal's buttons back on there so thats good enough for tonight :))
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heyyy eveyone hows it going.. i've been suuper distracted lately but i'm working on fixing my button page im js doing it offline ;)
sorry for disappearing i didn’t forget about neocities i promise
i like that there’s no pressure to update a lot i honestly only do html when i feel like it at the start it was the only thing i did for 3 weeks and then i got burnt out! or bored idk either way i cannot force myself to do it… ill fix my things eventually :)
going fishing today! i got some really beautiful pictures from the rockies yesterday that made me feel inspired to do a horror axe murder themed collage :D!
reclaimedbytheocean 9 months ago

i’m planning on redoing my buttons page and making that collage when i’m home from vacation and i finish moving my stuff into the new apartment


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Last updated 5 months ago
CreatedJul 29, 2023
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personalwebsite vaporwave ocean