115 updates
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Hello! Hope you are doing well! Today marks a month since my site was created and I only saw it now (oops). Anyway let's goooooo! Fingers crossed I get my pc next week as the tech said
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UPDATE ON PC: PC parts are stated to arrive to the tech shop building my PC on Wednesday, so building might take a day, maybe two days from there. The tech working on it is hyping it up saying I'll be satisfied with the result and honestly, I'm already kind of hyped enough lol! I know it's gonna be a bulky PC but with no offboard GPU cuz it was way above my budget... Still works for what I do most
So, I'm basically changing my computer.... Man I cannot wait to see the results
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I'm gonna stay a week without my computer so I won't be able to update the site until then :/
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Man, I'm a bit tired lol Hope you all are having a good week!
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shiningspectra 3 months ago

I know I should have put the flags there but I am too tired and too lazy to do the graphics right now, will probably add a button for the site later and a links section (hopefully) :D

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Phew... Got to redo the profile page! It's a bit less barebones now, but I will probably need to do some retouches... I just REALLY hope NC actually loads these retouches when I do them because it's tiring having to do a page over again
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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedAug 22, 2024
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personal blog art learning design