~ Memories of You ~

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Hey Blue, I know birthdays don’t really feel like a celebration for you, and I won’t try to force that. But I just want to say—I’m really glad you’re here. You matter, even on the days it doesn’t feel like it. I hope today is at least a little easier for you, and if not, that’s okay too. Just know you’re not alone. Happy birthday.
velvetblue 15 hours ago

thank you, i think i really needed this right now. i really appreciate being told this, it makes me feel a lot less alone for once. seriously, this really means a lot to me. youre an amazing person. thank you <3

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niicespiice 18 hours ago

yeah i feel like i haven't changed since i was 12 😭 but tbf i am younger than you

niicespiice 18 hours ago

^ this is why it makes me mad when people insult 12-year-olds, because i basically am one still somehow 🥴

ninjaweb 17 hours ago

Ageing is a chance to get closer to wisdom, to experience life and observing how the world is immense. We are so small and so lost at the beginning, then you will find your way. Enjoy your time here, happy birthday Blue.

sweetheartmemory 15 hours ago

Happy birthday! I definitely understand the feeling of loosing teenage years slipping away… 19 is such a purgatory age

tsulli 14 hours ago

Happy birthday, Blue. 19 was such a complicated time in my life, so I feel you! For someone more far in the road in terms of years, it will get better, I promise.

virtually-isolated 14 hours ago

i remember being so lost at the same age. fumbeling through schools and crappy jobs, not wanting to exist. it took time but i found a place to call home, people to call friends. it's hard, but i know you'll get there, too. happy birthday blue

swiftred 14 hours ago

Happy bday :) I can relate, and I'm quite a bit older.

maggotgirl2002 10 hours ago

happy birthday blue. i hope you will find as you get older, you'll have more autonomy, control, and agency in your life, and it will grant you peace and resilience. i will pray for courage and any wisdom you need to find you, and for much hope. i will also pray for your good health. congratulations, and i am very proud of you for making it so far.

hubbardian 10 hours ago

Happy Birthday, Blue! The Q&A about the specific aesthetic is interesting to me. <3

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400k views happened. thanks i guess. doing the usual q&a thing, ask me questions or something <3
anamonator 3 days ago

How long did it take to make your website and where can I go to to make a site like yours?

niicespiice 3 days ago

do you normally spend a lot of time on your poetry, hours and hours, editing it, thinking about themes and rhythme and deep meanings and whatnot... or do you kinda just write stuff that comes into your mind

kelpto 3 days ago

What is your favorite Pages on own website

dmansweb 3 days ago

wow congrats!

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cmsvgp 3 days ago

Do you have a funny memory? Which animal do you think it's the cutest? Do you have a type of food you won't ever eat?

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theclocktower 2 days ago

How did you come up with the specific aesthetic - ie: colours, what type of borders to use for things, why the images are edited the way that they are, etc?

wiredphantom 1 day ago

What's a good experience that genuinely made you happy?

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do u listen to sloppy jane? u seem like u would really fw haley dahl
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velvetblue 3 days ago

i've actually never heard of them until now but after hearing a few songs off madison, i definitely plan to check out more of their discography!! thank you for the recommendation <3

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button that turns you into espeon
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blackmagegaming 1 week ago

Man, this diary entry hit me really hard. Self-loathing is a bitch, and I struggle to overcome it on a daily basis, to the point where I get no work done, which leads to an endless downward spiral of hate and anger. I do my best to not lash out at others, but it comes across as me bottling up these feelings.

wiredphantom 1 week ago

If I could, I’d give you a hug right now.

theclocktower 1 week ago

I don't really suffer from self-loathing myself but I can relate to the idea of being worried that everything will come crashing down soon. I know nothing about mental health so I can't really help much, but I hope things improve for you. Sorry that I'm pretty useless.

hi your site is super cool! and super blue!! it burns my eyes but in like, a good way. and i love the persona 3 theme! pretty much everything about it is a treat to my eyes
Hope you're doing good
velvetblue 2 weeks ago

i'm doing well, thank you <3

rotbrain 2 weeks ago

The constant pressure to have to perform "sociability" is easily the thing that scrapes away the most at my sanity in my day-to-day, abstract and indirect cruelty. Glad you are able to find consistent reprieve at night, away from the judgement of others.

rotbrain 2 weeks ago

By the way, I'm fairly certain the site-closing scripts only change the index, I usually just bypass them by just appending "/about" to the url, lol.

wiredphantom 2 weeks ago

I read your diary, and I just want you to know that I’m here. You’re not alone.

velvetblue 2 weeks ago

thank you, that means a lot to me <3


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CreatedJun 16, 2021
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