The Shoebox Official Homepage

351 updates
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nice site but i dont see any lyrics lol
1 like
honestly the site is so freaking terrible, i know. school is tough but summer is coming up so HOPEFULLY I can work on the site during the summer. Imma read some about css and html and maybe java. hopefully my site homepage will be as good as the rest.
i like ur button collection hehe the squarespace one is funny there needs to be one for wix too lol. can't say i agree with u on blender 2.8 tho 2.79 forever!!!!!
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shoebox 2 years ago

thanks, though i didnt make most of the buttons (including blender and squarespace). About blender 2.79, I kind of agree, and might edit the button later on but that's just the only blender button I could find.

elucidatedvoyyd 2 years ago

i gotta make a blender 2.79 button haha

thanks for the follow, looking into your site it seems pretty interesting! i'll definitely have to check it out fully sometime.
1 like
nice! very helpful site!

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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedApr 30, 2022
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