30 updates
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Thanks for putting this site together. I hope it's helped a lot of people over the years <3
hello, sorry i hadn't gotten around to it yet, but i used your sidebar code for my site. thank u for making it!
1 like
Hi, I just wanted to say thanks for your navigation sidebar code! I'm working on adjusting it to look nice on my site and it's been really helpful :)
hello, not sure why your navbar code isn't working on my site but it spurred me to develop it further which is always nice. Might look into using Felinium
using Rubix for my character page! (warning for mildly flashing GIFs/colors)
used your sidebar code for my website <3 exactly what i needed tysm!
hi! I used your sidebar nav code on my site!
Hi, I used used a modified version of your updating navbar on my site
thanks so much for this site :D I learned the basics of html and css from your templates, and I'm still using your felinium layout
templaterr 4 years ago

it came to my attention that Rubix kinda sucked as a layout. I made it suck considerably less now

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Last updated 4 years ago
CreatedMay 29, 2019
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css html web templates