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Love the layout and colors!
Enjoyed looking at all the rocks. Thanks for putting them up
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woah, this is so fascinating
shriyauday 7 months ago

Thank youuu

yooo your site is so cool. will properly explore it once i get a bit more free time
dog-house 7 months ago

thanks a lot. there's nothing to really explore atm bc I've kind of started again with the whole thing lol

1 like
The layout of your site is so interesting! Enjoyed going through it
1 like
blagi 7 months ago

Thank you so much! The layout ended up that way as this site is my first ever attempt at HTML and CSS, just using images to navigate was easier to code, and eventually it became apart of my brand

i really love the layout of your site and i like your shark drawings! <3
1 like
shriyauday 7 months ago

Thank you! There will be more sharks in the future

1 like
woah the research youre doing is all really cool. You said you're interested in "how well do our measures of colour line up with human preferences?", what do you mean by that exactly? It sounds super interesting, I'd love to know more about it :o
shriyauday 7 months ago

Thank you! It's about how accurate our measures of like colourfulness actually are. Like I've got this data with coourfulness values based on colour measurements but how well does that map onto what people consider is actually colourful? I'm always happy to talk about my research if you want to know more

1 like
dog-house 7 months ago

ah that's sick!! I'm very interested in colour perception and like human biases in biology... if that makes any sense. If you ever get the time and feel like rambling about your work then you can send me an email ( I'd love to read what you have to say :)

Obsessed with your style omg
ninacti0n 7 months ago

Aww, thank you so much!! :'] There's still a lot I wanna go for in the site, so I appreciate you're enjoying what I've got so far


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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedApr 10, 2022
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research animals nature photography art