Small Thoughts

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smolthots 3 years ago

New year, new site! I've redone the CSS and started generating the content from markdown files. Yesterday I published a new blog post documenting all of this.

smolthots 3 years ago

Added a new idea in the culture section, filled out the physics of surface tension in the physics section, and elaborated on two tropes.

smolthots 3 years ago

This was just me manually playing around with sitemap.xml to see if I could get search engine hits.

smolthots 3 years ago

Added to list of cultural practices - it was bothering me I couldn't think of anything for macros.

smolthots 3 years ago

Expanded aliens section with non-size related ideas on aliens: their bodyplans, niches, etc.

smolthots 3 years ago

Added an article on various adaptations that permit ESD.

smolthots 3 years ago

Article on extra-terrestrial life - where to find it and what it's likely to look like.

smolthots 3 years ago

Added a sorely missing entry to the tropes article.

smolthots 3 years ago

Added an article on what customs might arise as a consequence of size.

smolthots 3 years ago

Expanded the themes section.

smolthots 3 years ago

Added an article on signs of ameteurish writing, but really it's a list of my pet peeves in fiction.

smolthots 3 years ago

Added 'nother article on genre vs. literary fiction, broaching how in some ways literary fiction suits ESD better than genre.

smolthots 3 years ago

Added articles on weaponry and a method of reducing subconcious bias in writing.

smolthots 3 years ago

Added drop caps for the extra authenticity.

Update: new theme! It's a bit WIP, but I'm quite happy with how it's turned out.
smolthots 3 years ago

Added an article on narrative forms, exploring styles of written fiction that don't require a traditional plot/story.

Website Stats

Last updated 3 years ago
CreatedJun 19, 2021
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