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The reason I retracted the post about the client-side counter script is that responses from the Neocities API are missing a CORS header and that prevents browsers from loading the data. Reported it on github.
Regarding your theme copyright concern, you are safe. There are two aspects: its code and its graphical elements. Since you wrote the code yourself without even having access to the original theme ("cleanroom rewrite"), there are no potential issues. As of its look, a simple arrangement of geometric shapes (no matter how nice it looks) is not copyrightable in most places.
Cool site. One thing though: please note that a Creative Commons button is meaningless when it doesn't link to a specific license (BY, BY-SA, BY-NC-SA...). Any of them would conflict with "all rights reserved" in the footer, too.
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hotlinecafe 5 years ago

Good shout, thanks! I've removed the button entirely for now.

I know you are not looking to add new districts, so this proposal is intentionally not serious! Troy (or Babylon): sites that used to be actively updated but haven't received an update in over three years. Potemkin Village: sites that have a good-looking index page, but links to all other pages are broken. Germania: sites that started with megalomaniac plans but never materialized.
encounters-ltd 5 years ago

that village idea both amuses and infuriates me

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bytemoth 5 years ago

dang dude if you're going to roast me like that post it on MY page

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Hey, just to let you know: the neocities counter in welcome.html is broken and the domain where it points now belongs to some highly questionable website.
rivendell 5 years ago

Thanks! I've removed it.

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CreatedSep 27, 2019
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