Between Worlds

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bright-eyes 1 month ago

I've tried the vegetarian thing a few times, but the problem is I'm just not a fan of beans, chick peas and lentils. It's the texture of them that I don't like, and unfortunately I've found that Quorn and Linda McCartney have changed their recipes over the years so they don't seem to be as good as they used to be. So what I do is a mixture of the vegetarian and vegan products that I do like, with meat and diary.

Your site is so cool! Those lists of website building resources are an absolute treasure trove O_O. I'm starting a webring for sites with curated linklists and other collections of stuff - would you be interested in joining?
amriel 7 months ago

@rivendell Thank you very much! I'll have to pass on the webring but I appeciate the offer!

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Welp, GitHub is completely borked so I guess I'll be spending the afternoon moving all my websites to Neocities.
silverheart 7 months ago

damn, that's rough... what happened? if you want to elaborate, of course

rivendell 7 months ago

Oh, it was nothing specific to me XD. The entire site went down for about 40 minutes yesterday, so I couldn't do anything for my day job.

Hey! I'm starting a webring, I love your site and think it would be a great fit. Might you be interested in joining?
eggramen 7 months ago

Sounds neat! Is the site description part of the details meant to be more for the content of the website itself, or for the curation page?

eggramen 7 months ago

(I say, currently trying to brainstorm something to put for a description...)

rivendell 7 months ago

I think the description could be for either the whole site or the links page - whatever you want!

rivendell 7 months ago

The description from your main page seems good to me: "the personal site of an arbitrary nerd on the internet. Expect fandom, nonsense, amateur CSS/HTML projects, and lots of creative stuff."

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eggramen 7 months ago

Oh, okay then! I think I'll just go with that. :) The curation page would be the "Links" page of the site - should I send in the template or is this enough to just add it?

rivendell 7 months ago

That's perfect. I've linked you in :)

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Hey all, I'm starting a webring focused on curation / collection / link lists. If you like organizing information and putting lists of things on your website, I would love for you to join. You can read all about it at
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rivendell 7 months ago

oof, just found out (h/t to Bytemoth) that Neocities is now blocking CORS requests, so my webring setup won't work unless you either a) support Neocities for $5/mo, or b) created your site before 2024. If these restrictions are a problem for anyone who wants to join, I'll come up with a workaround.

rivendell 7 months ago

Also, that page says to contact me by email to join the webring, but you can also message me on Neocities if you prefer. I'll try to check messages regularly.

As promised, new website with my recent projects :)

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedOct 21, 2018
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