a little over 1 floppy disk got apollo to the moon and back!! it is crazy how technology has evolved that a personal site is bigger than a moon mission. i love that!!!
I think that would be a good idea, after all, it does get you involved more in the community
It's quite alright when we aren't busy fucking it up. But yeah, most people think I'm from the Anglosphere because of the way I write.
Psi is pronounced as in "u(PS)ide". It's nowhere near /j/, which is what it sounds in English. So a "φαμιλψ" tattoo reads "fahmeelps" instead of "family". Just a pro tip ;) https://i.redd.it/vvkzljx9hzix.png
Haha, well that's funny. To my defense, I already somewhat assumed it to be a shitty choice of letters and wanted to demonstrate a maximum of ignorance!
Mach dir keine Sorgen, Herr Obergruppenführer Strata, zwei können das Spiel spielen. 卐🤔🍆💦😏 (I couldn't resist)
i don't know how it is in Germany, but everyone minds their own business in the gym here (southern california, so everyone goes to the gym). try it out!
Everybody is telling me that, b-but.. aaa :(
idk why you should feel ashamed... you're just trying to exercise like everyone in the gym!
but other people could be more skilled ://
the people who are more skilled are also the people way more focused on their workout routines to worry about who else is around! i'm gonna start once i get the money and if i get buff i will knock out everyone in your local gym for you so you can exercise in peace 💪
you guys are too wholesome. ;__; I'll check it out.
Strata, don't! It's a trap! It's a tra-