I've thought so but I also needed to get bonus points by inserting a Bowie reference.
Are you planning to start a search engine? AltaVisia's nice but "Computer" is a stop word!
Meant as a joke, playing along with the late 90's tech company post; hense the AltaVista reference. (And yes, the 1st version of AltaVista really didn't index the word "computer.")
whew, I'm sorry. My foreign grammar parser was just overchallenged with your second sentence.
Won't do it anyway. I've done it before and as a result I mostly associated my neat site with my shitty workplace and I won't let that happen again.
So, in order to start working on the site again I need to quit work first. Which will happen around July. sorray folks :/
List of things you could do in the meantime: -finding out what rhymes on 'strata' -listening to Autechre -insulting me for not being consistent with my statements
It's been wonderful watching your site evolve, and getting a chance to know you. Also, I've loved every theme you've made, but... *this* one truly is perfect :)
thanks <3, but I won't be gone haha. Look, I even browse Neocities. just trying to clear things up and in a few months I'll likely return with a cooler site.
Guess who's back. Back again.
Lookin' good :-)
Thank you :) I can't help myself but interpreting nose emoticons as ironic though.