strata on neocities

1,109 updates
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I wait for Jack Wolfskin to sue my cat for having the registered trademark logo on her paws.
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10kb 7 years ago

post pics of the cat

Your page is artistic as fuck, I really like it!
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wirednetwork 7 years ago

Thanks! :) You page aesthetic. Can I collaborate with you in future?

strata 7 years ago

I'd be pleased to.

Is it just me or are the sites down?
gavro 7 years ago

My page is down too!

723 7 years ago

And my too :-(

wirednetwork 7 years ago

all sites down

strata 7 years ago

aw man :/

wirednetwork 7 years ago

my site up :)

kyledrake 7 years ago

There was a DDoS attack this morning, it's being mitigated. It should be working better now. Mostly affects Europe.

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10kb 7 years ago

who is this strata virus on my feed

strata 7 years ago

see: me.html

10kb 7 years ago

i can't see you, you're over there

strata 7 years ago

come to Europe then

Hi Neocities, please motivate me so I can get shit done.
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joppiesaus 7 years ago

you can do it ♥☻

spacecat 7 years ago

get some halls and read the wrapping (heres one "impress yourself today")

lilaclynx 7 years ago

You are awesome, and you're going to get up and do some great shit!

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For a few days, I've been thinking about a "recommended links" page, just like daringfireball, but without the Mac stuff.
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I need to find some lamps so I can make more of these sick header images.
strata 7 years ago

brb, buying cool lamps, just for Neocities

strata 7 years ago

this will probably enlighten ;)) me.

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maybe your page is actually called "lemon land" and you're tricking us with an anagram!
melonking 7 years ago

One of those sour pancake squeezers! How could you say such a thing ☹️

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strata 7 years ago

My parents once told me to never trust anybody on the internet! especially when it comes to melons!!

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melonking 7 years ago

In this age of mistrust, melons are the only thing you can really count on.


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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedNov 23, 2016
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