Alex Just Wants You To Know

446 updates
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I find solace in how I relate to your ramblings
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unclear-unbecoming-unfit 2 months ago

Hey, thanks for being the first to reach out on my site. Your site's pretty cool and we have similar taste in music and movies. I was hesitant to make my feelings public, but I was hoping that someone could realize that they're not alone. I was taking a break from making entries because I've just been a mess lately lmao. Now I'm thinking I should continue them. Feel free to drop by anytime and say something. Alex

Pretty sure I've finally correctly linked my journal!
I know this doesn't look like much of a website yet, but I'm new and still trying to figure out the typing. I mainly wanted to focus on my note/journal first.

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedJun 10, 2024
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