Uncle Myrtle's Idiot Box!

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Tbh I love how raw this place feels in terms of what people make pages on and them not being afraid to be themselves especially when its something they're super passionate about like regardless of if its obscure/seen as 'weird' by most/'overrated'/etc its completely fine I just love seeing ppl be so passionate about things its so sweet q_q
*Me sitting at my laptop and staring at all the pages I have left to do* haha I hate this
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unclemyrtlesidiotbox 2 years ago

I love this place dont get me wrong but I both procrastinate a lot and feel like I have to finish everything asap so Ive pretty much been tweaking my site everyday

unclemyrtlesidiotbox 2 years ago

It gets a lil overwhelming and all that jazz if anything I just hope ppl dont mind that my site is nowhere near finished rn lol

unclemyrtlesidiotbox 2 years ago

Tbh Im not too focused on what others r gonna think of my site anyway Ive always used this place as something for myself. I never rlly cared much for how many followers it gains or whatever Im just vibing

unclemyrtlesidiotbox 2 years ago

^ I dont really like how things can be focused on numbers anyway especially in terms of followers = how much attention it gets and etc. Social medias played a massive part in this idea that big numbers are relevant and so on I just do not care lol

unclemyrtlesidiotbox 2 years ago

Listen if you're gonna obsessively focus on numbers online you will feel like shit. Ive been there and it isnt worth it so just do what makes /you/ happy and post what you like basically. If someone posts a certain thing and gets a lot of attention that doesnt necessarily mean you should too - especially if whatever it is makes you uncomfortable and you feel pressured to indulge in it. Take care of yourself

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This may come across as random but its not too often you see others who love clowns as well, its nice to see that you're making a site based on them they're too underrated I think. They're just silly little guys who deserve the world :-) (cute website so far btw I wish you luck with the rest of it!)
clownbonk 2 years ago

thank you so much, i really appreciate it! i whole-heartedly agree, clowns need more love!! :o)

feelingmachine 2 years ago

fellow clown fan, SO TRUEEEEE. thekiller clown thing from a few years back did too much to the clown community

clownbonk 2 years ago

yeah i mean i like murderous clowns in horror media but those people just ruined it by terrorizing random people :o(

unclemyrtlesidiotbox 2 years ago

You're welcome! Plus I completely get what you mean. Ive had my interest for them seen as weird irl so yeah it can get a little annoying but I think they deserve more love. I have a clown doll collection too that hasnt really grown in a while

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CreatedAug 14, 2022
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