Vampire Media - Home

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hello... i've been a bit busy ;v; i'm doing a webdev course at uni which is taking up most of my time (i have a site due.. tomorrow), BUT it is teaching me a few more tricks for a functional website. so i guess my next step is to sort out the mess that is my several CSS files because i get it now i understand classes and ids ILL DO IT PROPERLY
vampiremedia 2 weeks ago

(multiple people have looked at the files for my site and gone "yo why do you have so many css files" vjkldhfdsiuk. but yeah that's my next task once i'm free from this assignment)

IT'S DONE IT'S DONE !!!! all of the lists are pretty much up to date!! what this means is that they are all consistently styled, and contain all of the vampire media i have listed on my BTS masterdoc... which doesn't contain everything either, but it's most of what i've gathered since i started this project like a year and a half ago
vampiremedia 1 month ago

i'm gonna take a wee break from this now before i get started on my discover/socials page, as well as sorting out the flashbang that is the suggestions page. but my laptop has so many windows open rn so i think it deserves a rest from neocities xD enjoy the list!

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doing a mega list update rn; reformatting old list pages to match the consistency of the rest of the site, and updating the lists as much as a can atm!! once this is done i'll get started on the socials page - links, guestbook, resources, stamps/blinkies and so on ^.^
vampiremedia 1 month ago

i should point out when i described the socials page i meant just getting the layout, actually working on adding stuff miiight be a while/won't happen all at once

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedApr 10, 2024
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vampire reference vampires media horror