the great virtue is dead

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hey i saw i missed a comment from you a few months ago. i do not actually have a bandcamp for this monicker. i have an archived bandcamp for my old music project, but for the virtueisdead project, my website is simply where i publicly archive all of my audio and writing works. as far as music goes, this is largely because i very rarely finish music anymore.
just added a little notice that the website is outdated. i moved my website onto my own personal server a while ago because i want to be able to hotlink stuff and also dont want to waste neocities' bandwidth since i respect them a lot. i would really like to keep the subdomain but i dont think there's any way to point my neocities subdomain to my server's ip, since that could obviously be really easily exploited.
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teethinvitro 1 year ago

I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again: I love your works! I was about to ask if you have a BandCamp but then I found it linked.

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added a lil lyrics button on all songs that have lyrics to toggle them. i wrote them in jquery, which i am terribly sorry for. i couldnt find a consistent method to do it with css. if anybody knows a way, feel free to comment it
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teethinvitro 2 years ago

Great work. It's wonderful.

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$wag money

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedSep 13, 2022
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music art writing philosophy psychology