Viscera's House Of Horrors

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profile and comments are back on, dont expect me to use it as a rambling/ranting space anymore, mainly just gonna use this as a hub to update yall on projects n stuff
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switched just a few of my pieces over to a filehosting site and im already noticing a massive difference in load times, so i think im just gonna keep it like this from now on to save some bandwith. i do prefer hosting my files on the site itself but thats most likely not gonna be viable in the long term and i always got these files on my laptop so i wont lose them
i need to actually stop complaining about social media because honestly the internet is already fucked what good is whining on my neocities feed gonna do about it
jonathn 2 months ago

I feel like letting out your frustrations is healthy though xd

viscera-zombie 2 months ago

tbh i just dont like getting replies in the vain of "well maybe just dont use instagram?" it makes me angrier and makes me wanna stay off the feed entirely and focus only on using neocities for updating this website

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even after giving characterhub a try i may still stick with toyhouse bc its what im used to and i rly only need it for storage, also lowkey the layout reminds me of amino and its giving me war flashbacks
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this is only for user abbys-notebook. joke kinda. i gave characterhub a try and here's my verdict for ya (look at the replies i have a lot to say for my first impressions)
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viscera-zombie 2 months ago

so the site is really clean and modern, very very much focused on the social aspects a lot more than other OC storage sites. its honestly more like an art-based social media with character storage as just one aspect of that. if youre looking to roleplay or socialize, this isnt a big deal, but if you only want character storage, the website can be pretty overwhelming to use with the amount of events and general stuff-

viscera-zombie 2 months ago

-plastered all over your screen. i uploaded a few characters from Roadkill for starters, and the profiles are heavily customizable with lots of detail, most of which is optional. it uses BBCode for larger textboxes but i dont believe you can use full-on HTML like on Toyhouse, so the amount of customization is definitely welcome. there ARE some features that are paywalled, but most of them are things the average user-

viscera-zombie 2 months ago

-doesnt need, as in the website isnt unusable if you dont pay. you do get pop-ups advertising the premium subscription which is a little annoying but hey, im pretty sure theyre a smaller team, so let them make that bag. you have limited space for uploading images directly to profiles but it seems to be a pretty decent amount and you can get more with premium. so you'll want only the most important stuff,-

viscera-zombie 2 months ago

-like ref sheets, important context, etc and you also cant add multiple characters to one image like on toyhouse. they make up for this though with the social feed, where you can upload as many images as you want in posts without them taking up your storage space, and you can tag multiple characters on your posts, which will then show up on their profile. i think this is a pretty good way to get around the limited-

viscera-zombie 2 months ago

-storage while also giving more of an incentive to post and interact with the community. since these posts, again, use BBCode, you can also tag your characters in text-only posts, great for RP prompts and short stories, which are all good for getting people invested in your OCs. there's even a separate section of the site where people can directly send you fanart and fanfiction of your OCs and an on-site marketplace.

viscera-zombie 2 months ago

from my browsing i believe there are also groups and chatrooms, a live roleplay chat, and the home page of the website acts as your main feed. its a little confusing and overwhelming at first, but not a bad site if you're looking for something more social.

i will say its not like my website is full-blown NSFW or fetish stuff and im not gonna get mad if youre like 15-16 and interact but it cant be overstated that my page is NOT for kids. im a horror artist and most of my art is horror related. and yes some of it IS sexual! im like the slasher film of neocities, not gonna traumatize a teen, but im really not wanting younger kids to come here, protect yourself youngins
my art pages are taking a while to load now... not sure whats causing it but im probably gonna start hosting my images on a separate site instead of having all the files uploaded here directly to free up some bandwidth. i use imgur for Roadkill but i might switch over to a different one

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CreatedFeb 22, 2024
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