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website updates have been slow lately because im starting to reach a point of being content with it. still have a few things to do on it but they arent high on my priority list rn. currently im the most focused on IRL stuff as well as working on new Roadkill pages and getting started on the first chapter of Hell's Belles
im starting to reach a point where crop tops and mini skirts just are not comfortable to wear. its not that i want to be 'modest' per se but i dont really like showing my thighs or midrift... ig my teenage "i wanna be (conventionally) sexy" phase is officially over
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theres a tv tropes page for Roadkill but it contains so much misinformation and even after the latest update it still repeatedly uses my real name when ive made it clear that i want to stay anonymous. and i cant edit it bc my account is new. fuck my baka life
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not to be stuck in the past, but where did all the personality go? theres still websites, tv channels, etc with their own definitive personalities but for the most part everything is so boring. i dont even want overcomplicated company logos again i just want a little more character!!!
viscera-zombie 6 months ago

i know i said i wouldnt use my neo feed for rambling like this again but i had to get this out. idc about modern design in general i just wish things were a bit more fun to look at. everything looks like the inside of a car dealership now

im starting to wanna step away a tad from being a horror artist, not like completely stop making horror art, but ive been very art blocked and feel boxed into that one niche. ive been making more non-horror stuff lately anyways - and i'd love to step back into that phase of being more of a "cringe" artist since im already so influenced by 2010s nostalgia haha
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viscera-zombie 6 months ago

i still want to make horror stuff and that will most likely still be a massive amount of my art but yknow experimentation is what my art is all about, and ive never liked feeling pinned down to one particular aesthetic or subculture or what have you, i just wanna be my authentic weirdo self :3

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its almost 2am but anyways i discovered a website called SoFurry that im gonna try out, and also i made an NSFW furaffinity but im not yet sure if i'll link that on the site
i wanna reorganize my links page a little bit. will do tomorrow

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Last updated 2 hours ago
CreatedFeb 22, 2024
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