The Winter Solstice

5,048 updates
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added some nnice tid-bits to the home page, HOPE YA SIGN MAH DAMN GUESTBOOK!!!!
Just made a MASSIVE update to my DOOM WADS page, glad you guys can finally play the WD deathmatch maps!! it's been a great time mapping for each and every one of them. each map is an experience in itself. anyway, see ya around
Hey, I tried WILDEARTH.WAD, looks interesting but my advice is on next WADS use vanilla configuaration to mapping
wintersolsticezero 1 year ago

can you elaborate on that? do you mean being able to work with DOS / Chocolate Doom? if so, know that i tried to get it working multiple times in chocolate doom, the reason it doesn't work is probably due to the size of some of the maps, and the editor etc. I tried and wanted this wad to be playable on all sourceports, but to do that i would need to sacrifice my original vision....

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yoyoyo! saw you followed me (: it's the same winterdoomer from youtube!! love your site!
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yoooooo.....posting wildearth RIGHT NOW!!!!

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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedDec 14, 2022
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