are you there, god? it's me, worm boy 3!

515 updates
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FINALLY updated/polished a little markdown converter [/markdown-tool on my site teehee] and i'm quite happy with it! even as a mess, it's a tool i've been regularly using! maybe i should add some notes about how i made it [i use 2 js libraries that are quite lovely!] but anywys it's there now and i hope maybe of use to others yaaay!
btw i am cryptidd on artfight :] come attack bimsy wug
new page !! it uhhh simple conversion from markdown to html :] it has maybe been a whole year since i started this site for realsies which is pretty crazy. actually this all could go in a changelog post huh. it has rlly been that long.
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wormboy3 6 months ago

anyways, as i'm writing this i'm finding i've got some issues in my new page already! not that i was super satisfied to begin with! but anyways. this site is a big piece of my journey with web dev! and it also needs an overhaul! but i also want it to be accessible for total newbs to study! so that may be a bit limiting bc it's kind of a pain to update a non-static site. so a conundrum but a fun one.

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everetcetera 4 months ago

i can like and reply ... my knowledge grows

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i just bought the domain
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OUHHhh... i need to .. update... some of the javascript freebies and my site. i have........ learned so much............. and.... yay!
MIGHT do a tutorial type thing about this, but i'm not sure how to focus it: since i've been away i've gotten into linux crazy style. i've also learned a couple great things abt web design and such. i don't THINK i'm going to rebuild my site from the ground up -- i still want it to be something beginners can dig through the code of, PLUS i shouldn't forget my roots of pure html/css/js, as that will always be fun.
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wormboy3 7 months ago

ok i hit post length. anyways: would anyone out there be interested in hearing me blab about linux?? yes, no? either way i will probably be talking about it -- i want that to be out there and it'll be a nice easy link to send to friends. knowing there's any interest though is a motivator.

wormboy3 7 months ago


This is the coolest and most awesomest website I've ever seen. I love all of the gifs and the theme as well, but the part that fascinates me the most are the moveable boxes???? I'm literally in awe. I want to add more fun and interactive things to my website but honestly idk where to start.
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wormboy3 8 months ago

WAHHHH HEY TYSM.... that's really sweet of you wtf.

wormboy3 8 months ago

oops that reply was supposed to be longer. anyways liek i wanted 2 say....... i really like your site as well, GOOD media tastes and blinkie tastes and links >:] draggable stuff tends to be much easier than expected, and it's a nice way to add very simple entertainment for visitors lol. i might make a js script and add it to my freebies come to think of it :]!! anyways thank u this made my day tee hee

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pebabmey 8 months ago

I hope this reply shows up but THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I literally created the site so that A) I could have a website and B) I could have a blinkie trophy cabinet. I would love love love to see the js behind the draggables <3

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CreatedMay 20, 2022
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coding games art programming tools