The Home of Pebabmey

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1 like the unregistered hypercam and the awesome bandges/banners.
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This is the coolest and most awesomest website I've ever seen. I love all of the gifs and the theme as well, but the part that fascinates me the most are the moveable boxes???? I'm literally in awe. I want to add more fun and interactive things to my website but honestly idk where to start.
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wormboy3 1 month ago

WAHHHH HEY TYSM.... that's really sweet of you wtf.

wormboy3 1 month ago

oops that reply was supposed to be longer. anyways liek i wanted 2 say....... i really like your site as well, GOOD media tastes and blinkie tastes and links >:] draggable stuff tends to be much easier than expected, and it's a nice way to add very simple entertainment for visitors lol. i might make a js script and add it to my freebies come to think of it :]!! anyways thank u this made my day tee hee

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pebabmey 1 month ago

I hope this reply shows up but THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I literally created the site so that A) I could have a website and B) I could have a blinkie trophy cabinet. I would love love love to see the js behind the draggables <3

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedJul 30, 2023
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