El Incompréndeme

91 updates
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Been reading plenty navigating on the darkest corners of the clearnet wayback machine and somehow I came across with a dark archive of a webpage that had ties with necrobabes, the ones that kept alive many fantasy dark fetishes. I have to say in short, that somehow it did really helped me to make peace with some aspects of myself I couldnt even express through an artistic medium. Im glad!
Hey Billy! Just passing by here! I wanted to say that I hope you are ok, had a great New Years' Eve and life is treating you fair (as not all the time it treats us nice)! Seems I can only find you in here on Neocities ^-^
eastathenaeum 1 year ago

Hey! I'm doing well, I hope you are doing well too. Just living life as an industrial slave. I'm almost exclusively here, updating when I can, not even checking what little social media I have - too much poison. Neocities has a strong sense of dignity and genuine expression. If you wish to continue our discussions like we had before or collaborate on something, feel free to email me. It is posted on my page.

And Im back! I recently brought a new macbook pro 2018, my old one needs a LOT of fixing so having this one opens me the path to deal with some projects I've left behind because I had no means to work with them properly and comfortable. One of that goals is to learn a bit more of programing to edit my webpage better than the obsolence meaningless blank page it is.
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Gosh I have created an account here for a long time, also did a couple of draft pages but still hasnt managed to set up my website how I wished it to be. How is y'all creative process when building websites? I quite need some ideas right now
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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedMay 30, 2022
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