3,567 updates
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someone asked me out as a joke yestderday i do not feel like talking about it on my website but yeathat happened guess ill die
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I'll make a music page eventually... I just change music tastes so often idk what i would put on there
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not me saying 'don't view this website on mobile' and then proceeding to check EVERY single page to see if it looks good on my phone <3
MAJOR website overhaul my friends. Color schemes and art and a new story section (which so far is still really small but I'll work on it more as soon as I can!) all art is (badly) made by me (partly traditional and edited to hell and back, and the rest made in ms paint, the program all best artists use, obviously)
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Last updated 2 hours ago
CreatedJan 27, 2020
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personal diary writing 94673 story