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Now THIS is what i call FUN
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winbows 3 days ago

Thank you!!

Wow between whatever the fuck is making the css not function occationally, and file garden being down, my site's really a mess. And this, folks, is why I'm moving to carr-
acetaminophriends 1 week ago

(File garden is in the process of being restored, so until then a lot of images will be missing. I just don't see the point of moving everything if it's going to be restored soon anyways. Props to the owner for taking care of this quickly!)

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Hey I saw someone with your site button, and seeing as you don't have it displayed (as far as I can tell) I was wondering if it would be okay for me to put it on my site as well?

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedJun 22, 2023
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