woah the customisations look great! love how you are personalising your online music experience
thanks! it feels so nice to not have to rely on the default settings for everything
if anyone is interested i wanted to share this extension that hides the follower count. i like the way tumblr sorta hides it from view and i wanted my neocities homepage to feel similar! https://userstyles.world/style/14166/neocities-hide-followers-view-count
Hey thanks for that extension, I tried to block it out myself a while ago but couldn't. Very helpful! ^_^
ofc! here's the link again for anyone interested https://userstyles.world/style/14166/neocities-hide-followers-view-count
you first need to install an extension called style. there’s a green button that says “get style” in the link that takes you to github page to download it or you can just google style extension chrome/firefox. then you can hit install in the link. It’ll open the code in another tab and have a button that says install style at the top left.
you can also do what i did and add two more parts to the code to make sure the follower count doesn’t show up on the activity page or further pages. just copy the section that starts with @-moz-document url-prefix("https://neocities.org/site/") and paste it twice, then change the url to https://neocities.org/?page= for one and https://neocities.org/?activity=mine for the other. that’s it!! <3
-sorry, the extension is called stylus!
using this too, didn't know it existed till now
Thank you so much!