3,234 updates
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my links are so messed up now it's hilarious this is what I get for not saving everything lmao like why is there a green hand on one of my secret pages
hi everyone! sorry I've been gone so long, I'm still alive I swear. I'm focusing on college rn and I kind of lost interest in my site. I might be back soon idk but for now I thought I'd just post to let everyone know I didn't forget about it :)
how did u get the playlist on the side of ur site? its so cool!
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me when i fix my zeros looking like eights issue by just changing every zero to a capital O because u cant even tell
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uploaded some things to my art page :]
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hiiiii im still alive
Hi, we're holding hands now in floral-tears' Hold My Hand Pixel Club! Thought I'd give you a follow :)
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anarchysin 7 months ago

yayyy hello!

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where did u get the nin font from because i have been looking for one and could never find the exact thing like that
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burialcloth 8 months ago

we are sorry if we are overstepping on both accounts, as we are not the webmaster, but this site has it all.

flailuser 8 months ago

i did download all of my fonts from! they have a lot of images as well and many are high-res! i'm using both the "reznor" font (ft backwards n) and the font used for the nothing records logo.

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Last updated 7 months ago
CreatedDec 7, 2022
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90s nineinchnails vampire goth horror