AnnaBelle's Cottage

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Your site is so sweet! I hope you find more of an online community for autistic folks, there's a lot of us, and you can learn little tricks for how to deal with life more easily and figure out what works for you! I'm sorry you had such a rough childhood... I hope the future will be kinder to you.
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annabellescottage 2 years ago

Thanks <3 I'm still learning how to code this website, so I hope to constantly improve.

annabellescottage 2 years ago

Also, I appreciate your page on old dolls. You can't imagine how happy it makes me to see old dolls. Also, my name actually is AnnaBelle, so you can imagine all the torment I go through because of that movie...

Website Stats

Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedJul 27, 2020
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videogames cottagecore nostalgia autism dolls