tysm! the cursor effects are from . i love the feather collection on your site and your info on bobwhite quails! they were one of my favorite critters to see at my old job. my museum job is mostly admissions right now ^_^
Oh this site is really cool! Thanks! And I am so glad you like them! Bobwhites are absolutely adorable.
Ranting/venting can be a great use of a journal. It's got to come out somewhere! I find it helps most to follow heavy vents with something positive/optimistic- in my experience, it helps balance out the negativity and levels out my perspective on things. Even "I'm still alive and this will pass" counts.
And I'm glad the compendium helps! Anxiety can be really frustrating to deal with sometimes- I've had more trouble with it than I did with depression. Something my therapist told me was that some anxiety is "top-down" (thoughts -> body) and some is "bottom-up" (body -> thoughts), and it helps more to target the source. Never occurred to me that there was a difference before then.
It was a big part of why I mostly gave up taxidermy, even though I really liked the work. A lot of the kind of people who were big repeat customers were some of the worst human beings I'd ever met... |D;
That sucks. I imagine a lot of them were trophy hunters? And yeah, I always feel... wary when I see someone else who likes taxidermy. It shouldn't be a steryotype of the mean angry white middle aged man, but it kind of is, likely bc its popular w that group.