
6,022 updates
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Thank you for the follow!!! I love your site so much
Thank you for the follow! I love your website, there's so much to see!
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ty for the follow!!! i love all your graphics, i'll definitly have to borrow some sometime :]
i'm obsessed with your sticker collection and corkboard :D i'm also reading witch hat atelier! i just finished volume 7
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love your page!
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what a cozy site!!!
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What's up, party people! Hope everyone is staying safe and taking care of themselves as best as they can in this new year. ♥ So this time around I've added an April pet and some badges to the Hypnospace page, added more to the about me/collections, updated the Horror page, updated the Manga page, added a couple books in the library, put a bunch more graphics on and overhauled the landing page…
spiritcellar 1 month ago

added more sites to the links page, updated the featured dragon in the Wizard's Study, added a few more things to the computer room, altar, bug, and diner pages, and... The Scooby page has been updated with working links, better cursor alignment, and some new movies and shows!! So it should be fixed (for now)! :)

Absolutely love your site, your shrines are my favorite
1 like
crazy site, makes me smile. loved the computerroom
1 like

Website Stats

Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedSep 17, 2020
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personal fantasy art aesthetic nature