Search ↯ Awesomesauce

783 updates
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The site broke again for some reason, and I fixed it again.
Added support for nekoweb -- Meaning you can now search for nekoweb websites if you want to. If you know of any other 'indie web host' I should add, please let me know!
Alright, fixed the image search and the mobile website. You guys can tell me if any of this breaks so I can fix it
So, the image search is broken due to something weird going on with the CORS proxy. Unsure what to do about this, may need to set-up a proxy or something later for it to work again.
For some reason ImgSearch was failing to display thumbnails for the img results, fixed that, it should work properly now. Try a ctrl + f5 if it does not.

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Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedMar 22, 2024
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