10,026 updates
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your page song made me feel so nostalgic haha <3
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Thankya for the follow! :D
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beaniebabydoll 2 years ago

ur welcome! your site made me happy cry <3

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I used to play PlayStation years ago, it's nostalgia!
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beaniebabydoll 2 years ago

ive been playing since 2001 haha i still have my original console

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empeethree 2 years ago

one idea I just came up with, was to add a webpage to my site to be a video game museum type thingy. I want some versatility to this eye candy site I have.

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beaniebabydoll 2 years ago

I really like that idea omg, i know there are some oldish console games that can be played for free, if you wanted to make like an embed/link to them that would be interesting

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i will never know why my index page only plays the audio once for every individual is a mister e......
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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedMar 19, 2022
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animals weird nostalgia cute webcore