Fly Away!

2,066 updates
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Heyyyy guys. I'm going to be deleting this site pretty soon, sorry! I just really want to start over with a brand new one. I'll be linking that one in a comment below this update, but thanks to all the people who've supported me here!
SO I've not really been liking the main page I was coding, which means I start over completely with a different theme or something. (Who knows if I'll ever be satisfied...)
Hello. It's been a long time since I've done anything with the site. Basically, I want to turn it into my personal art site, with a focus on my OCs and such. Because of that, I'm planning to completely remake it from the top, up. However, that will take a while. Especially with getting all the art done. But it will happen, eventually!
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free-butterfly 1 year ago

New pseudo name swag.

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visitblueplanet 1 year ago

this new layout looks super cool

Oh no I'm having an urge to redo the entire site layout again. I have this really good space-themed layout in my head right now...
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Last updated 9 months ago
CreatedMar 1, 2022
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selfshipping art scp otherkin