"ive met myself a thousand times -- and i love everybody ive met." I cant get over it! so many wonderful pieces here. excited to keep reading!
Wow, that is a powerful quotation! Thank you for sharing. Radical self-compassion. It can also be applied to everyone "else" when we realize that they are mirrors into our "self". https://ericehrke.com/the-seven-essene-mirrors-of-relationship/
omg thank you so much!! i've been a fan of your site for quite a while now!! <3
tysm! huge compliment coming from you. your emo dress up game is the sickest thing ever!!
Truly, thank you! I really appreciate you taking the time to read some. Don't worry about acknowledging, i've redone my site and that's no longer a crime.
hoping to share it before the end of the month!! I still want to try to do monthly updates at minimum, and have so much content in the pipeline. but life happens!!
I'm excited for it !
I will be tuning in!
omg y'all are so sweet!! tysm for your comments. this will give me the motivation I need to finish it up before the end of the month!!