omg thank you :O your site is so inspiring, i truly just started and i so appreciate this!!! :D
Omg, all of their songs are so damn good. My faves are Good in Red, Brooklyn. Friday. Love. and Change Your Heart or Die. If you haven't listened to their live album I highly recommend it. I don't think I've run into a bad song by them yet. Thanks for the follow! Love your site so much!
ty for the recs! I loved "Change Your Heart" or die too. I'll check out these other songs. and omg tysm <3 can't wait to see you continue to develop your site and share your thoughts.
i'm so proud of her, so glad to find other lovers of her music out int he wild :3 <3
eheheeuifhuiefkske i LOVE IT!!!!! so many pop girlies :3 i had planned on doing something similar for my wrapped and i never really got around to it, so this is great to see...... i've loved tinashe since 2 on came out in 2014, never thought she'd break through the way she did last year, so proud of her@!@!!!! <3
LOVED IT! Love seeing Needs as the first song up. It's my favorite Tinashe song which I listened to about a billion times last year I simply couldn't get enough. This is supposed to be about last year's listening but I'm curious to hear ur thoughts as a fellow Addison Rae appreciator on High Fashion. Personally, I'm Obsessed (hahaseewhatididthere)(also i love Obsessed unironically). Great work on this writeup!
ty! love your site's vibes too. I love that each page has its own look but it's still a cohesive layout. the navigation buttons are so cool!