bearly there

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Hah, I noticed you mentioned the Beginner's Guide on my guestbook the other day. Funny thing, I thought I recognized that title and then I realized I did. Soon after, I read the description on your site and thought, "oh no, I did what Bear said not to do, haha." I watched a playthrough of it a few years ago and was really impressed! Had no one to talk to about it at the time.
swiftred 3 weeks ago

Anyway, I doubt it really matters now and I can't take it back ;) but it made me laugh a little. Have a good day, Bear.

bearlythere 3 weeks ago

Oh no! I didn't mean to make anyone feel bad about watching a playthrough-- I think the first time I encountered The Beginners Guide I watched a silent playthrough on youtube, since I couldn't buy the game. I think it slipped my mind in the website's move to this new version how strong my language seemed when I edited it down. I hope you enjoyed revisiting The Beginner's Guide regardless!

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swiftred 3 weeks ago

No, you’re good! I didn’t necessarily feel all that bad. It was more funny and also obvious it was directed at someone who’d never encountered it.

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