SwiftRed's Site

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sneekrealm 16 hours ago

!!! [will def peruse this page to some degree :,)]

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bulltown 15 hours ago

I love this - "Discomfort is the price of admission to a meaningful life."

Ah, I'm just now noticing your "Establishing an online support network" post. Consider me absolutely delighted. Perhaps I'm a little vain too, but I love acknowledgements of each other's, anyone's, pages-- our words and our works-- that we exist to each other. So, more than anything, thanks for the sort of "positive feedback." It's been lovely interacting with you as of late!
badgraph1csghost 1 day ago

i kept forgetting to tell you about that post! :P i kept going "i need to tell swiftred about the support network post. right after i make this change. hang on i need to add a new section. hang on i need to get something to eat. hang on what was i doing?" XD

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niicespiice 1 day ago

where is that post?

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badgraph1csghost 1 day ago

i remember seeing a comic someone drew for tumblr a while back (a fricken DECADE ago) that said "the most important filter is the photographer" and it was a table with one clean space amidst a wreck of a room. that hit. online authenticity has /never/ been authentic :(

michaelmas 1 day ago

Take it from me— You can be as suicidal as you want when writing. Nothing’s going to happen to you, except that you’ll feel better for it.

niicespiice 1 day ago

"but I don't want to distress others and I have this weird complex that, at least spiritually, somebody is calling the cops on me." OHHHH SAME. i don't feel safe being 100% authentic with some things. i just allude to them. however i generally think i'm an honest person on my site, i go into pretty deep parts of my minmdset i guess. just not the full way. because im worried its illegal or smth (PROBABLY IS)

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I deleted today's site update, but I wanted to share with you a webpage I've been meaning to put together and am excited about
cervidaze 3 days ago

i love this. i've been wanting to dedicate a page to small happenings that aren't long enough for a full blog post, and your webpage is motivating me to make it

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swiftred 3 days ago

@cervidaze: Thank you! I love hearing this, and I hope it's something that ends up working for you 😄

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transferns 3 days ago

oh this is really nice, i think i'll need something like this on my site

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sneekrealm 3 days ago

Oh Shit I'm Noticed! also lovely lil iteration :,]

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inkcaps 3 days ago

RAH yay, welcome to the club! Your page looks wonderful so far!!

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badgraph1csghost 3 days ago

i love this idea! thank you for including me <3 also you'll be okay. we'll all be okay. sometimes it feels like we're all doomed, but by recognising it in ourselves, we can see it in others and reach out.

swiftred 3 days ago

@transferns; @sneekrealm; @inkcaps: thank you!!! It's much appreciated <3

swiftred 3 days ago

@badgraph1csghost: I find your reply very valuable, thank you! <3 I've also screencapped it and added it to the page, if you don't mind. I think the reply makes it feel more optimistic and fosters more understanding/rounds out the perspective

torchwebs 2 days ago

this is such a nice thing to do and it'd probably help me with my dissociation issues, if i decide to add this kind of segment into my blog page I'll credit you

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Looking at your art again and it's so so delightful <3 It feels so expressive to me. If I weren't so shy about my own drawing practice, I'd go draw right now, feeling inspired when I look at your work. As always, hope you're well! =)
miela583 6 days ago

I like Town Square, I feel like a lady is going to tell me that there's bandits in a cave to the north, but no one can stop them due to monsters in the desert listening to it. Beep Box seems like it could be very fun!

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swiftred 6 days ago

Thank you for listening!! and for the lovely description <33 that might be my favorite too. Beepbox is fun! It’s really approachable too, almost gamified.

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hi :3 I was listening to your music page and Underfloor Dungeon, Windfell Ruins, and Seabed Lullaby go sooooo hard.
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transferns 1 week ago

aw tysm!! i’ve actually been meaning to remake seabed lullaby :]

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trinityexe 1 week ago

I agree 150%. Extremely happy for you are your newfound freedom. Hoping to get to that stage of my life soon.

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swiftred 1 week ago

Thanks <3 fingers crossed for you

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badgraph1csghost 1 week ago

your thoughts on idolism's effects on an inferiority complex hit hard. i do the same exact thing. i always think of everyone as infinitely better than me in every way, and on low days, that always leads to trouble. it's been the hardest conceit for me to get rid of.

sneekrealm 1 week ago

""Babygirl, you can't be stimming with Instagram Reels"" lmaoooo too real... felt on that blurb, to the point where i even use *discord* strictly via browser even on phone cos that too has been too much for me for a while, and left a few servers and all, and sworn off nitro, for less overwhelm too

niicespiice 1 week ago

the like... "idealised person to bitter hated person" pipeline is too real for me

sneekrealm 1 week ago

"To idolize is to idealize; it is projecting this perfect image onto someone and it doesn't acknowledge their personhood." also fax..... i got long experience being fuckass hogwild for some music artist or another since i was like 12 (now 28), but increasingly theres the motto of "theyre just some guy" cos really they Are (and sometimes it can be a mundanely beautiful thing) ~ just a tangent rlly

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sneekrealm 1 week ago

& true abt the socialmediaesqueness bullshit engagement numbers put me OFF!! ok that is All

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swiftred 1 week ago

@sneekrealm I also think about that saying, "never meet your heroes," for the same reasons. I like your descriptor too, "mundanely beautiful," and I appreciate you commenting! Brightened up my day considerably

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swiftred 1 week ago

@sneekrealm lol the numbers drive me bonkers. I understand how bad they are but sometimes I also get so sucked in and I can't look awayyyy because sometimes it feels so good

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swiftred 1 week ago

@badgraph1csghost I really appreciate you commenting!! Makes me feel less alone

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sneekrealm 1 week ago

never meet ur heroes or at least be very careful!!! a friend and i admin this server for my current hugest fav who himself strolled into there the other week so spontaneously it's crazy, been having to temper myself a bit HAHA but handling it much better than 12yo me or even 22yo me would. the internet can be crazy w these directish connections sometimes

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