Bloktic's Domain

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bloktic 2 years ago

New Other page! For Clark-Gibson's 2nd anniversary (that was on Monday), I have a new page detailing a bit of history along with concept sketches and comic rough drafts! ENJOY!

saint-images 2 years ago

"don't expect Submarine Clark any time soon" - now that was the last straw. I am unsubscribing.

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saint-images 2 years ago

On a more serious note, this behind the scenes special was very fun to read! I'm glad that you're still going strong 2 years later, and I hope for more years of C-G to come. I am still amazed how the very first comic is a scaringly accurate depiction of any conversation between me and one of my very good buddies (I am Gibson, naturally).

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bloktic 2 years ago

Thanks, Saint! Glad you enjoyed it! A friend of mine tells me that Gibson is their favorite just because he's the most relatable. Maybe there's a bit of Gibson in all of us.

bloktic 2 years ago

I know it feels like I just got back, but no Clark-Gibson next week. HOWEVER, there will be something Clark-Gibson-related!

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Clark-Gibson will return to its normal schedule next week!
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bloktic 2 years ago

I have a guestbook now! Link on the home page. Sign it if you can!

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Oh, my newest update got merged with the last one LOL. Anyways, for the last week of my trip, I will be making a few updates to the site itself. Today I put in a News Archive page to tidy up the Home page.
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Quick update: my month-long family trip has been extended to a month and a half! Which means the hiatus will last a little longer. Expect a return to normalcy around the start of July. Thanks!

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedJun 22, 2020
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