
2,275 updates
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kenny your comment makes me more encouraged to stay on neocities since your such a cool dude
kenny46140 6 years ago

Dude, If ya really gotta get things done then THAT's the priority. You know that, I know that... everybody does (or should!). Keep neocities on the back burner. I do. While I'm gettin' projects done, I'm thinking of ways to change my pages and what to put on. Follow? Good, man. Just keep everybody posted, yeah? Rock On !!! :)

bobzilla 6 years ago

Hey! Don't worry, when I put life in my reasons for leaving, that was less about personal problems and more of an excuse to get it to more then two things. :P However my main priority is of course life and all that jazz, family first and all. I plan on trying to update this when I can, just know that you are an awesome dude, Rock On !!! :D

hey fellow gamers spriteclad here with an important message: Bobzilla is leaving Neocities. (Really.) Check his website @ for more info.
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kenny46140 6 years ago

More power to ya, man. Gotta do what ya gotta, yeah? Stay Frosty!

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kenny46140 6 years ago

I just checked this out, too. Thanks, man. But they are simple words. Pay it forward. "YOU" can make somebody's day, dude... and that's a great feeling. Cool-cool. signed, Ken-Bo

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Texan Accent (from a midwestern accent): "Put dat on tha ol' interwebs and we'll see whut happens." :)

rogerlugia 6 years ago

Can't wait to see what it looks like once it finish.

kenny46140 6 years ago

Dig yer page(s), man! Cool-cool. Yer handle's cool, too; "Go Go, Bob-Zilla!!!" Thanks for the follow. :)

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CreatedMay 24, 2017
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