brawlers world.

5,609 updates
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going to start working on a large website update! had been planning one for awhile now, but i found some sites that have taken and/or copied some of my assets so its time for a big refresh! plans: include a page about the world itself and its various locations, expanded character pages, lots more downloads, a short exploration flash game for the furnace, and an art/video page
brawlersworld 1 year ago

the current website will stay up until the update is ready to be implemented. maybe will figure out a way to archive this version of the site bc it was such a big accomplishment for me.

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windclocktown 1 year ago

wth new character is about to blast off wow

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1 like
WOAH!!!!! uir site is so cool?? do u make ur character renders in blender or sumthing or do u draw them like that

Website Stats

Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedApr 13, 2022
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art videogames brawlersworld 3d graphicdesign