2,851 updates
0 tips
anotha update is out! this time i made the game look a little better and give a long winded technical explanation about rpg maker. humina humina am i right???
god damnit neocities is so annoying why can't i have any control over my updates, the actual finished page being buried under like 13 mostly blank iframe pages looks so awful i just delete it every time and as a result nobody knows my site's even updated. btw my site is updated, i added the dev diary page where you can follow my progress with my game jam game (starring malta wow!!)
mysticscave 1 day ago

It really annoys me too :C It's awkward trying to update everything in the right order.

mysticscave 1 day ago

Also your game designs/drafts are so beautiful T^T

the rpg maker 2025 game jam has begun!! the restructured dev diary page for daikonet is mostly done (but not live), and if i get the time while working on this project i'd like to push it out and feed everyone a steady diet of my thoughts and process as i work .... comin soon.........
your website is such a viiiibe <3
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daikonet 1 week ago

ty ty !!

according to the counter on my home page, DAIKONET has crossed 10,000 unique visitors!! thanks everybody !!!!
thought my site got hacked but it's actually just schezo wegey's birthday. i got jumpscared by javascript i completely forgot i added, everybody say happy birthday schezo
meaka 1 week ago

Incredibly appropriate that Schezo is a failman enough that you'd get jumpscared by celebrating him

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i'm working on a new rpg project and it's so exciting to feel motivated to do game development stuff again!! i'm gonna be participating in the 2025 rpg maker game jam on so maybe this is also my time to release my first game!!! 💃
773tk 2 weeks ago

good luck

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ribose 2 weeks ago


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ribose 2 weeks ago

and excited for us (players of daikogame)

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choko 2 weeks ago

Good luck bestie!!!

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meaka 2 weeks ago


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daikonet 2 weeks ago

omg ....................... thank u....... thank u so much everynyan..............!!!!!!!!! ;;

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freakphone 2 weeks ago

YAHOO ive been looking longingly at your prototypes wanting to play em for real for years... excited to see and good luck!

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daikonet 2 weeks ago

@freakphone AAAAAAH..... THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! I'LL DO MY BEST 💪

avq 2 weeks ago

huge!! hope it all goes well for ya!!!

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i accidentally broke the handle on my favorite mug with another mug and ended up having to throw them both out 💀 where do i find a cool mug
i would be very happy if people stopped downloading my site and changing some of the text and pretending like its theirs, this is like the third or fourth time
fearoffun 1 month ago

aw man . i think them following u means they weren't trying to do this maliciously but just didn't consider that this is like . plagiarism... they should have asked for your permission in the first place of course but maybe just try talking to them?? bc they even credited you in their site so i think this is just a conversation that needs to be had rather than they should be... antagonized T_T

brawlersworld 1 month ago

this sucks : ( sorry u are dealing with this

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brawlersworld 1 month ago

wait i just checked out who u r talking about that is CRAZY!!! all the characters and what not r still up too that is so insane

daikonet 1 month ago

@brawlersworld it is what it is, i can't stop this sort of thing from happening but it really bums me out. downloading and editing a site is a valuable way for people to get their feet wet with html and that's really cool! idk if it's kind to the person you're stealing from to upload it though. ive been gentle with people in the past but they scrubbed my name off the copyright, im kinda at the end of my rope

daikonet 1 month ago

@fearoffun there was no credit when i made my post

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kuroi 2 weeks ago

are people doing this??? that's mean, like there are people that offer free themes, why download someone else's website without permission and upload it like it's theirs? Haven't seen the one you've mentioned tho, I've been working for three years on mine, it would be very frustrating if this happened to me.

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ty 4 300 followers :)

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CreatedSep 4, 2020
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