2,803 updates
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i accidentally broke the handle on my favorite mug with another mug and ended up having to throw them both out 💀 where do i find a cool mug
i would be very happy if people stopped downloading my site and changing some of the text and pretending like its theirs, this is like the third or fourth time
fearoffun 4 days ago

aw man . i think them following u means they weren't trying to do this maliciously but just didn't consider that this is like . plagiarism... they should have asked for your permission in the first place of course but maybe just try talking to them?? bc they even credited you in their site so i think this is just a conversation that needs to be had rather than they should be... antagonized T_T

brawlersworld 4 days ago

this sucks : ( sorry u are dealing with this

1 like
brawlersworld 4 days ago

wait i just checked out who u r talking about that is CRAZY!!! all the characters and what not r still up too that is so insane

daikonet 4 days ago

@brawlersworld it is what it is, i can't stop this sort of thing from happening but it really bums me out. downloading and editing a site is a valuable way for people to get their feet wet with html and that's really cool! idk if it's kind to the person you're stealing from to upload it though. ive been gentle with people in the past but they scrubbed my name off the copyright, im kinda at the end of my rope

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daikonet 4 days ago

@fearoffun there was no credit when i made my post

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ty 4 300 followers :)
go go hypergrind is actually so peak i've got to write about it on daikochannel
daikonet 1 week ago

two furry games back to back separated by two years... 2 is the number of the day

I love your site's color scheme! Tastes like melon soda, 8/10, very fizzy! Also, how did you code that animation that plays every time someone clicks the enter button? I really wanna do something like that for my site! :3
i am once again being followed by a bunch of people out of nowhere, where is my website being shared
burgeritchi 3 weeks ago


rinnegan 3 weeks ago

might be from this freak who finds neocities/personal websites and smears them with AI writing on facebook. dunno what their endgame is

lopster 3 weeks ago

@rinnegani dont think thats ai.. maybe they just write like that on purpose? like some of the images on personal posts are ai but its just a site highlight page? those exist

lopster 3 weeks ago

the group's description even says it doesn't support the ai takeover

lopster 3 weeks ago

actually only one image there is ai generated, i thought the other was, but i found their site and its just an edited pic of their sona/logo. anyways their writing isnt ai they just type like that

imlistening 3 weeks ago

I'm among the newbies! :D I think I found you through the 'global activity' tab (I'm probably an outlier). Love how you laid your site out!

1 like
rinnegan 3 weeks ago

considering that their personal website uses AI for almost every graphic and that they’ve openly endorsed chatgpt in a reply, i wouldn’t be surprised if they use AI for their shoutouts as well, and it certainly looks like it. even if it is just their writing style, every shoutout is near identical with a few words swapped out.

rinnegan 3 weeks ago

i'm not shitting on them for using AI, it's their website and i would just not care but i am puzzled as to why you would want to use AI if you support the indie web and claim to be against AI

maurimo 3 weeks ago

i saw your site through the game dev tag in neocities and it looked so sick!!!

1 like
bro how was i not following you what happened 😭 i stg i was, haunted ass website
freakphone 3 weeks ago

LOL no worries!

1 like
your site totally rules, love your 3d character too shes sooo cute
daikonet 4 weeks ago

OMG!! thank you!!

unwelcome news about neocities not being willing to blow up ai crawlers with a howitzer from the neocities guy himself here:
daikonet 4 weeks ago

u can opt out though! you need to create a robots.txt file inside ur site folder and then copy and paste the contents of this pastebin inside and remove all the # symbols in the list to stop said crawlers from whipping shitties all over ur webzone:

mr-pibbs-site 4 weeks ago

i'm slightly concerned that if another crawler comes out that's not on this list i'll have to update it manually, but if i just do the User-agent: * and Disallow: \ that should work on everything right? not concerned with showing up on search engines personally

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seashrine 4 weeks ago

i have a robots.txt but do the #'s need to be removed to work? just to double check on some things

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daikonet 4 weeks ago

@mr-pibbs-site um! i believe if you remove the # at the very bottom with the "Disallow: /" it should block all crawling, yes. you may wanna remove the "Allow: /" line near the top as well!!

daikonet 4 weeks ago

@seashrine yes, the # symbols are commenting out those lines! removing them will make the robots.txt block the bot on that line (i removed all of them, but left "Disallow: /" with its # so my website will still show up on google searches)

1 like
seashrine 4 weeks ago

@daikonet thank you! i saw a different one going around and wasn't sure if they were to be removed or not, thanks for clearing that up!

1 like
mendel palace is so fun i wanna write a review

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CreatedSep 4, 2020
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