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Well, I was going to post a reply on the guestbook, but the anti-bot test repeatedly told me I was wrong, so uh, here's what I was gonna say typed in the reply to this comment:
cataclysmix 1 year ago

Awesome website! I really like the style choice here(and I like homestuck too) and now I'm curious about reading this CO-IN comic. I also really love the idea of "The Furthest Webring" because just... wow that is a perfect pun. I can't actually join myself, given that my website really isn't homestuck themed, but nonetheless, it's awesome. Cool stuff, I hope the website and comic turn out awesome.

cataclysmix 1 year ago

(not to imply it isnt ALREADY awesome, agh words suck)

oh em gee this site is TOTALLY TUBULAR, it's so RADICAL.
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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedDec 9, 2022
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