thank you!! ahh i love old mac os uis so yeah even if i didnt think of them i was still inspired by them
ahhh im really glad to hear so many people found that useful. i plan on writing a part 2 for it detailing my process as it's happening, it'll be out when the next major update is out (hope i can get it done this.... year ._.)
i've taken the mbti, it's fun and interesting for sure (especially when comparing w others) but it's not really smth i think about in day-to-day life :)
yeah it's best not to take it seriously, it doesn't mean anything. but it's still fun. thanks for the input :)
i used to believe the mbti, but i think most of the descriptions are actually fairly generic enough that youd always be able to identify with at least something from it. The big five ( is a much more reputable test.