CerebralDatabank's Website

32,926 updates
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Thanks for the follow :) I'm going to assume you're relatively new to web development, so welcome! Reminds me of when I first came here and the first stuff I coded on my site lol
hi! can i use your dark mode widget on one of my websites?
1 like
cerebraldatabank 2 years ago

Sure! Thank you for asking :)

cerebraldatabank 2 years ago

This was something I created quickly to help with one of my classes - it does each shift from +1 to +25. If you put in shifted text and find the original in the output, "OG shift" is the shift originally used to "encrypt" it.

Update: The changes from last time went live, but I removed the red text now and it's still there. So looks like it's just delayed updates
If anyone's reading this, I'd appreciate it if you made some small change to your own site (like making some text red) and see if it shows up on your live site page URL; I have an issue and want to see if it's just me :)
Something odd is happening… I updated some HTML code in the page, it shows as updated when I open it again in Neocities, but the actual page isn't updating
cerebraldatabank 2 years ago

Just logged in on a different browser, incognito mode. Neocities shows updated code, live site doesn't.

Website Stats

Last updated 5 days ago
CreatedDec 17, 2016
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programming computergames minecraft technology computers