CerebralDatabank's Website

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It didn't work with IP :(
3 of 2 (the screenshot got updated): The Neocities site crawler's user agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Xll; Linux x86_64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 SlimerJS/0.10.2
2 of 2: After seeing the style of the element in the first screenshot, I wondered what browser engine they were using.
1 of 2: I added the user-agent detection page to find out if the screenshot would contain the user agent of the Neocities site crawler. Then, I could program it so that if the Neocities site crawler visits my site, I could display a cool image, and that would become my profile picture.
3 of 2 (oops, looks like the "Edit" button doesn't work): I am going to add a SimOS installation screen to install SimOS instead of just reloading the page when "Reinstall SimOS..." is clicked.
2 of 2: 3. The OS will crash if you restart it after deleting %COMPUTER%\C:\System Files\$SYS\startup_codepoints.txt 4. Press F10 while on the "SimOS is starting up..." screen and a message will appear on the top-right informing you that the F10 boot menu will be displayed.

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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedDec 17, 2016
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programming computergames minecraft technology computers