Corv's Webbed Site

1 follower
155 updates
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Regarding your message about your sidebar list: your browser has a default way that it likes to style lists even if you don't input any styling directions for it. This usually means the browser adds margins/padding. To get your list flush with the boundaries of the box, set all margins and padding for your ul and li tags to zero. Then you can change them to get the look you want ^_^
corvidoodle 2 days ago

i'm trying that but it's changing nothing on my end. thank you for trying to help though! i have a couple friends i can ask about. my coding in general is quite messy i'll admit..

larvapuppy 1 day ago

Worked for me when I tried it in the style editor. ul {margin:0px; padding:0px;}

fascinating! this makes me both want to explore all this but also i need to catch up on the magnus protocol...
i really enjoy your site. i hope to figure out how to do a similar layout, in a sense of two sidebars sandwhiching a middle scrollable area. it seems ideal. also your art is lovely!
cinni 1 day ago

thank you so much for your kind words <333

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedMay 1, 2024
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