dark and obscure

347 updates
0 tips
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One for today - Sørgelig. If you are like me and enjoy tortured screaming that sounds like a factory collapsing in on itself, they are for you.
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Love this, have to browse and find the sites I've missed sometime. Thanks for the mention!
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kvlt 2 years ago

Thanks dude, your site is \m/ af. Found some great obscure stuff on there, thanks.

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Today's update are two recs: Peklo (Ukraine) and Mäleficentt (USA) Lots of black metal to add.
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Friendly reminder, if you share the DOTBH picture, you are scum. Cheers.
Got busy and made a Bandcamp: Also a Tshirtslayer, to prove I'm a real guy and not a robot, or something like that:
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kvlt 2 years ago

\m/robot ;)

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Updated the site to be a little more responsive; still only a friend of PCs since mobile friendliness is beyond my skillset, but should be a little less hateful to look at now.
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Today's updates are Krieg and Orelisk (who I found, like a few others, here on neocities - feels so strange to have such great bands follow my little page). Less than a month since the last update but don't worry, I messed up adding them about 50 times to even it out. Perhaps a site overhaul soon if I get the time (if anything, there will be *more* pixels, so do not worry).
darkandobscure 2 years ago

Additional note: have a list of reccommendations to go through (some from the community - thanks!) so expect more frequent updates in der naehe!


Website Stats

Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedSep 26, 2021
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music spotify metal rock goth