new lil post in the coding quarter, some fun with emulating mac os 8.1 as part of a bigger site restoration project i have in the works
one more new article under "journey through a body" - last for a while i'd imagine - documenting some scarification i had done:
new article under "journey through a body", documenting my tongue split and recovery. general content warning for grimness:
new section "journey through a body" for body mod fun, plus some overall colour scheme tweaks
new post! my pal over at posted a link to a site called 'gameboy yourself' - a javascript image converter that makes your pics look like they're on a classic game boy screen. i cleaned the code up a bit and made the colours customisable, you can have a play with it here:
a big part of my code changes was to rip out jquery and have it as plain ol' vanilla javascript, and rework some hefty calculations to be a bit faster