La Divina Commedia

224 updates
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ahhh so nice to see you have a neocities, i was checking on your tumblr, because i curious what you were up to... ;w; we never spoke much, but your precense was always so appreciated on my dash. <3 i hope life is treating you as kindly as possible... your site rocks, also. looking forward to more!!!!
Apologies for my absence! I've posted a slightly more comprehensive status update on the front page of the site, but the short of it is: I was beset by unforeseen obstacles, but I believe I'm ready to return to work on the site in earnest. Thank you for you patience and for bearing with me! <3
A quick update: Work on this site has stalled due to my recently contracting Covid. Thankfully, I am fully vaxxed and my case is mild, but it's still been draining and an impediment to progress on this site. Hopefully this weekend I'll be able to update with a new page I want to publish before taking on a project in earnest, though progress will also likely be slowgoing next week due to other responsibilities of mine
casuistry 1 year ago

I'm sorry to hear you came down with it! I hope you've recovered and have a full bill of health. Take your time; I'm interested in what you add to the site

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedFeb 11, 2023
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