
1,684 updates
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I wanna revamp my entire site layout again but I don't really have any ideas. I've been writing a lot and drawing some but I'm less inclined to share art anymore. I might post writing if I finish anything I'm working on.
volkodlak 1 month ago

It might be fun in particular to make profile pages for my OCs? I think I'd do a relatively simple layout similar to a wiki page for that (but not exact). Maybe I'll work on that when I have time. I'm pretty busy the rest of this week but I have a little time

I should've had a ton to add to my directories, but I recently had to do a factory reset on my surviving laptop and lost all my bookmarks :( I'll be getting into the habit of just adding stuff as I find it in the future
Hi, it's been forever. I have so much to add/update/change about the site I'm not sure where to start. Anyways, my old laptop IS dead, but instead of replacing it with the same thing I'm waiting to get the funds to build my own PC sometime next month! I moved cities again and have been very busy so I'll have a lot to talk about when I make my next blog post.
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Dear passenger, thank you for joining our journey of wonder and existential dread. Universe be with U
volkodlak 8 months ago

New drawing, changed the directory. Will have a blog update soon-ish? When I feel like writing it lol

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I know I said I'd come back after my trip but I'm having some technical issues.. My computer may or may not be fried and although I have a backup device said backup is one of those weird acer spin 5s so the screen's a really weird resolution and my own site looks super odd on it LOL
volkodlak 8 months ago

I'm planning to test to see if my laptop Does still work in a couple of days I just need to get all the stuff off the SSD first in case it goes wrong. I'll probably just get another Dell XPS 15 because they're not as expensive as they used to be and I do really like them.

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volkodlak 8 months ago

In any case, once I'm able to update I'm long overdue for a blog post because I want to talk about the con I went to and share pictures and stuff. I had a lot of fun!

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Molchat Doma are popular aboard Vega, Universe be with U
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I have a LOT to add to the DW pages once I'm back in mid june. Also, for anyone doing Art Fight this July here is my profile:

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Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedMar 28, 2017
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