Draggian Universe

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ah fuck I stayed up late without doing a drawing again. videos exist now though and once I get em small enough they can go on catbox they're going up onsite
It's late, The Dark Slime isn't that much of an artistic character, and I am gross and need to shower and go to bed so today's NeOCities-tober creative thing and update is a Powerpoint I made for my reaction video tomorrow and you're gonna like it. Slimeboy Ronnie drawing + the one for the 29th and Bad Guy reaction / podcast vid coming tomorrow.
draggianuniverse 4 months ago (you didn't think I was joking about there being slides for context with my reaction video, did you?)

The Bad Guy music video finally made it to a form I can get (apparently FIR fans don't understand screen recording, but Ronnie Boy himself put it on a Kick stream), so a reaction video / podcast / webinar (now with actual video!) will be coming soon, either later today or tomorrow at the latest.
NeOCities-tober pics from the 22nd and 23rd. It's predominantly a drawing challenge, and I have been keeping to the "draw something every day" part but have kind of fallen behind on the "put something on the site every day" part. I'll get them up tomorrow probably? It's been a week. Site updating has not been a priority for the energy I have.

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedMar 25, 2021
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emo writing scene art ocs