Draggian Universe

11,003 updates
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hey, I'm working on getting my Goatlings stuff ported to here with more detail than I can go into there and have an art piece you made for one of my goats. I assume you'd prefer to be credited with a link to this website along with your goat UN since you're no longer playing?
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pixelatedpeachjuice 3 months ago

yeah ive disowned goatlings so any credits i would prefer to be a link to here

draggianuniverse 3 months ago

Forgot to attach the link to my slides from the Bad Guy reaction / discussion on the Something Approaching A Scene Podcast page, so it's there now.

I promise I'm still alive. I've just been too busy to do creative stuff and Ronnie hasn't been doing anything of note. I've mostly been doing scene spreadsheet stuff on Anyway, would scans of CD liner notes be something you'd find useful or interesting? I've got a bunch bc I think they're neat and I'm not sure what else to do with them.
draggianuniverse 4 months ago

Reaction video itself (20 minutes) has been posted to the reports on Patreon-exclusive stuff; the combo with the more detailed takedown will be up tomorrow because the file's taking forever to convert. (along with uploading of OCtober pics)

ah fuck I stayed up late without doing a drawing again. videos exist now though and once I get em small enough they can go on catbox they're going up onsite

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Last updated 6 hours ago
CreatedMar 25, 2021
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emo writing scene art ocs