
6,072 updates
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massive overhaul of my archival/art hosting to compress files & rename and not have 40 duplicates of the same pieces. i didnt realize how bloated and messy it was
helianthus-fields 1 day ago

i literally gained 20% of storage back from getting rid of all the excessive files...slay. next is testing alt ways to display comics

draggianuniverse 2 weeks ago

ooh, these are so cute! I should do more random digital art -- was very productive last year, but pretty much isolated all of it to Art Fight and OCtober.

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i will try to leave my profile on. if it gets shut off again, it may be time before it returns again
helianthus-fields 2 weeks ago

it depends on vote within headspace which we do regularly depending on stress levels

turning my profile on temporarily to ask - does anyone else get shown how much bandwith they use a month? and is 300+mb alot? i am worried if thats bad
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numbersstory 3 weeks ago

i've never seen my bandwidth numbers for neocities, but 300mb is absolutely nothing. free neocities users get 200GB of bandwidth a month. on my character website which is 99% large image files, i only push around 2-4 GB a month. tl;dr you're fine!

feralasar 3 weeks ago

From what I seen, no thats actually a small number in the grand scheme of things

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draggianuniverse 3 weeks ago

Where are you getting bandwidth? I don't think it's a concern, but I'd be curious to know mine and all my stats page shows is hits and visits. (And I have no idea where they get these numbers, since my total view count does not align with hundreds of visits per day.)

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helianthus-fields 3 weeks ago

@draggianuniverse so when i hit edit to edit my profile on desktop, it lists how much bandwidth im using at the top. it was never here before until like yesterday, atleast that i noticed

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helianthus-fields 3 weeks ago

btw thank u everyone for commenting on this, i got really nervous by it starting to show my bandwidth use because it never done it before! not sure if its just a new feature. im less worried now

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draggianuniverse 3 weeks ago

Huh, it sure does. Is that new? I've never seen it before.

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CreatedApr 9, 2023
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